
I'm returning to weaving after several years and am very excited to discover Weavolution. I think my weaving instructor may have retired, as I am having difficulty locating him. Can anyone help with the following questions?

1. In warping front to back, is there a reason not to tie warp threads to the back apron bar at the time you thread the heddles? You are already handling the threads, checking the threading. Seems like it would save time.

2. When warping stripes, do you tie the ends of the yarns together when you change colors, or tie each color directly onto the warping board?

3. Can you warp back to front without a raddle?

4. Any ideas on how to clean rusty metal apron bars?

Sorry for all the questions! I'm just so excited to be getting back into weaving!

Kind regards,




steve104c (not verified)

00 Steel wool will shine up those bars. Had to clean the rods that my lamms pivot on. Also cleaned warp beam and cloth beam bars. Steel wool works great. Need a little elbow grease but makes them look great.............Steve.

Joanne Hall

To answer your warping question, most weavers in Sweden warp back to front and spread their warps through a reed rather than a raddle, so yes, it certainly can be done.


Claudia Segal (not verified)


When winding a warp and changing colors, you can do either.  I prefer to tie the next color to the previous one but my first weaving teacher taught us to tie the yarn onto the turning peg.

I would have to check my books about warping front to back but I seem to remember threading the heddles and tying them to the back apron bar in groups of about an inch or less.

You might consider an online class to help refresh your skills.  We have a Beginning Weaving class starting Monday, 1/31.  All the details are HERE.  Also, most of the Cyber-Fiber teachers are happy to schedule a private class to discuss the challenges you are facing.  Mary Rios has several time slots available and you can PM her HERE (scroll down to Send this user a message).  

Welcome to Weavolution!  Glad you found us.

Claudia, Weavo co-founder

lkautio (not verified)

On a warping board it is easy to change colors without any tieing.  When you finish a color wrap the end around an unused peg (to maintain tension) and park the cone to the side without cutting the thread.  When you need that color unwrap from the extra peg and continue as needed.  If you use even numbers of threads in a stripe this will always work.  With odd numbers it will depend on the number of colors and color sequence (the cone may end up parked at the wrong end of the board).  Otherwise I just tie the old color to the new and try to have the join within an inch or two of the final peg.

Yes, you can tie the thread groups to the back apron rod as you go but it may not save much time.  When warping front to back all those bundles need to be tied as evenly as possible and it is easiest to do if you do them one right after another rather than alternating with another task.

Happy weaving,

Laurie Autio


kbp (not verified)


Thanks for the recommendation for 00 steel wool. As soon as I finish the towels on the loom, I'm going to try this!


Thank you for the suggestion for the online class. I just was searching the Weavolution site, and found the class as well. I'm so happy to discover this weaving community.


After reading your color change description, I think this is what I recall doing in class. Thanks for reminding me.

Thank you all for your willingness to share and help out!

Kind regards,
