I'm getting back into weaving after a hiatus, and decided to pick up a couple of cones of Peaches & Cream worsted weight yarn because the cost/yardage ratio is pretty hard to beat for some initial sampler/relearning projects where I'm not too worried about final results and don't want to spend a lot on yarn.  Also, in terms of "instant gratification" I like the thought of the nice thick yarn weaving up quickly.

I'll be working on a floor loom with a 10 dent reed... what would be a good sett to use when warping?  10epi seems like it would be incredibly dense.  I was thinking maybe 5 or 7.5 EPI... I appreciate any thoughts from people who have warped with this stuff before!



usonian (not verified)

After poking around a bit more online, I see 8 epi recommended fairly consistently for worsted-weight yarns.  I'll go for 7.5 (0-1-1-1 in a 10-dent reed) and see what happens.


pickleme (not verified)

I'd love to see what you do with your peaches & cream. I have thought about towels, as inspired by someone in this group. I just haven't gotten to it yet.


I wove some checkered dishcloths using an 8 dent and then a 10 dent heddle using Peaches & Creme worsted weight cotton and Sugar N' Cream worsted weight cotton. Both projects turned out well but I actually liked the 10 dent better. The fabric was more closely woven and sturdier which is what is needed in a dishcloth.