Sue from SD is going to do the PDF file of Sarah's Macomber blog. Sue is looking for any information that you think needs to be included. Please post here and she can read it here or I will post it to her.Thanks for you help.



Kiiki (not verified)

If you want, I can send you a pdf of the instructions that came with my loom. They are the original type-written instructions from the 60s. Two sheets, plus a smaller printout of instructions for the warp-release block (stairstep thing). I scanned them to pdf for safe keeping--the paper has yellowed and is getting brittle.

If you want it, just give me your e-mail and I'm happy to send it along.


SDSue (not verified)

I am almost done Michael! I am hoping to pick the brains of the Weavolution and Ravelry groups next for a second pdf. Any takers out there???

Weave on!


SallyE (not verified)

Hi Sue,

Any takers for what?   Are you looking for readers, for ideas, or something else?


Kiiki (not verified)

Sue, I sent the instructions this morning. Let me know if you do/don't get them. The file size might be a tad too big for e-mail. If so, I can put it in my dropbox account for downloading.

Michael White

She is looking for information on Macomber looms that you think should be apart of the PDF file.


Kiiki (not verified)

My e-mails to the address you gave me are bouncing, so here is the link to the file in my dropbox account. If anyone else would like the file, feel free to download it. It's the original instructions that came with my 48" 8-shaft. Had I read them before I started tying up the treadles, I would have seen that my loom is meant to use a treadle hook in the lam depressor. :-)

SDSue (not verified)

sorry about the bouncing emails! I just downloaded the instructions that you sent! Awesome copies, thanks.

SDSue (not verified)

Hi SallyE,

by "takers" I meant, does anyone have any information on macomber looms that perhaps Sarah did not include in her blog Macomber Looms and Me, that they could send to me for the PDF that I am creating. I am almost finished with this monstrous task and hope to have it sent to Sarah for proof reading soon.


Kiiki (not verified)

Glad you were able to get the file and found it useful!

SDSue (not verified)

the pdf of Macomber Looms and Me by Sarah Haskell is finished. you can see Sarah's newest post on and find the pdf there also. Enjoy!


Penn (not verified)

Why is there a fee for the PDF? Are we not getting publicly available information, or data some of our members have contributed? Sue, if you will be getting the funds or any part of them, please let us know. I'd rather buy the PDF from you and pay you directly. But frankly, I'd like to see it made available free to all. Charging for this file violates the whole spirit of the enterprise, IMO.

SDSue (not verified)

IMO the fee for the PDF keeps the blog going. Sarah has expenses in this blog: she has spent money (on phone calls to people, internet access fees, etc) and time (going to the shop, talking to Eddie and Rick, going through the photo albums, writing the blog) and should be compensated, since she is not compensated by Macomber. True the data is available on the blog, although most of it gathered by Sarah and put into an organized and easily used document by me. You could go to the blog and search for a particular thing you need to know, or you could purchase the PDF and look it up in the index. If the Weavolution and Ravelry Macomber Loom Groups want their own PDF with their submitted info then that can be given out for free, however, you still have to have someone willing to compile it all. Believe me, it was quite the task putting everything together. I do not receive any money for this. I put the PDF together for Sarah because the person that had originally planned on doing it, disappeared and it never got done. I am not sure that this PDF was ever advertised as being free in the blog. I also put this PDF together for all of us out there that are Macomber Loom owners/lovers so we can have a manual of sorts for our looms. You are welcome.


Time is money, I know that well, or why else do I chain myself to a computer half my waking life to support my fiber & horse habits?  Nonetheless, we in AR believe in payment-in-kind.  It's said 1/4 of the AR economy is 'underground".  Some of that is illegal, but a good part is barter.  Why resort to cash when both parties may receive greater, more desirable value by barter?

So, is there something we fiber persons could send you other than cash?  My suggestion is handspun yarn, but not everyone is a spinner.  You could request a donation in fiber from those reluctant to send cash -- maybe even name a color and weight per PDF standard.

SDSue (not verified)

Thanks for the good idea mneligh! However this is not my pdf to sell or barter. You will have to take that up with Sarah. You can reach her at [email protected]
