I am in the market for a new loom.  I currently own a Louet David and love it, but it's simply not wide enough for some of the projects I want to tackle- the occasional rug, blankets, table linens etc.

Both the Oxaback Lilla and the Louet Spring meet my requirements for a small footprint because I have a small home.  I have not tried either and plan to do that at Convergence if I can get there.  The Lilla looks wonderful but I am concerned about the lack of a brake release (I am used to one on the David).  Is it a hassle not to have one?  The Spring is beautiful, but there are lots of moving parts.

Does anyone have opinions when comparing the two?  Which one is easier to warp, operate, etc?  I am pretty short (5'1").  Is one easier to treadle than the other?

Just looking for some weavers experienced on these two looms and general thoughts and opinions.  Much appreciated.


Dawn McCarthy

The Lilla is a fabulous loom!  It has a ratchet and pawl release which is desirable for both lightweight and heavier items.  The back folds, it is a simple, very quiet and has all the features of a large size loom in a smaller foorprint.  The shed is easy to balance as it has vertical countermarch and has a great true countermarch operation.  I worked on a Louet and did not care for it (my opinion & preference).  I highly recommend the Lilla and if buying new Sara Von Trescow was extrememly helpful.



I am a relatively new weaver (just over a year). I've never woven on a Louet, but I have a Lilla, and couldn't be happier. I prefer the ratchet and pawl brake, and find the treadling and operation very simple. I'm only 5'3"..height isn't an issue. I bought mine used, and Sara Von Trescow was extremely helpful to me as well.

jj50 (not verified)

I love my Lilla. I haven't found the lack of a brake release to be a problem. I need to get up off the bench to release the brake and wind on which doesn't bother me. Since I end up making fine adjustments between the back and front beams anyway (on both Lilla and my jack looms), this hasn't been an issue. I got my Lilla from Sara, and as others have said Sara is exceptionally generous with her expertise.

I'm 5' 5 1/2", a little taller, but I don't think that matter too much because you can adjust the bench height. Countermarche looms are the easiest of a all foot-powered looms to treadle.

I haven't used any Louet loom so I'm just responding to the brake and height questions.


I have a Louet Spring loom and a Glimakra, bigger then the Lilla. They are two very different looms, but I love them both. First of all if you are not familiar with countermarch tie ups and rear slung treadles the Spring has less of a learning curve. It really is going to depend on what you like to weave. I use the Glimakra for rugs and rep weave projects though I have done pillow tops and towels on it also. The Spring I use for multi shaft projects as I have 12 shafts on it and it works better for lighter weaves. Both are really nice but I had a little bit longer of a learning curve with the Glimakra as I learned to weave on Jack looms. I previously had a Baby Wolf and a David also. Hope this helps. Cleo