


How did you set up your warp? And when did you change colors as you wove?

Lyn Nagel (not verified)

My cousin lives in Ludvika and is a weaver. Is this overshot or crackle? Would you send my the threading?


click the picture, and the (profile) threading will be there


Okay, I have never tried to weave overshot before.  So..... here is my dilemma.  The way I read this, one "ring" is 78 warp threads, multiplied out by 4 (based on the Swedish rule of overshot threading), means there are 312 warp threads per "ring".  That means that each ring is pretty big at a 20 epi.  Is that correct?  Somehow I don't think so.  If I wanted to test this pattern on towels before launching into a big project, this would mean I would get about 1.5 rings wide on each towel.  That doesn't seem right.  Can someone tell me where my logic is wrong?


It's probably close to 450 if you thread opposites like overshot is done. Assuming each square is 4 threads, including the turn blocks. Overshot can be scaled down to.


I'm a newbie weaver. I love this pattern and would like to see if I can do it. My weaving teacher says it's a profile draft. I haven't a clue how to go from profile to actual threading. When I click on the picture I don't see any place where the blocks are detailed. If you're willing to share your beautiful design, help please!!

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
This Draft is from