Has anyone woven Lynne Greaves Color Blanket for a Baby pattern?  I'm undertaking my first full loom overshot and have just begun weaving and I'm surprised at the length of a float in the first white stripe.  It's 2" long!  I've double checked my threading and tie-ups.  I know it will wet finish smaller but this seems long for a baby blanket.  I didn't expect this to be delicate as the warp and tabby weft are 8/2 and the pattern weft is 3/2.  Any feedback welcomed!



I do not know this draft, but I can see that its popular on the internet - did you check the projects here to see if anyone has done this blanket?  I agree that a 2 inch float is way too long - too easy for baby fingers to get stuck.

Do you have weaving software?  Even if you don't, you should be able to look at the draft to see the float lengths.  What a bummer - hopefully there is a simple fix, and hopefully someone familiar with this draft will weigh in with help. 


Sue in VT

Thank you Queezle for offering your thoughts.  After two hours of checking threading, researching this pattern and staring at my loom, I realized that one of my tie-ups undid itself, slipped out of the slot (Schact standard) and now all is well!  I love when that happens.  

Sue in VT

Thank you Queezle for offering your thoughts.  After two hours of checking threading, researching this pattern and staring at my loom, I realized that one of my tie-ups undid itself, slipped out of the slot (Schact standard) and now all is well!  I love when that happens.  

Sue in VT

Thank you Queezle for offering your thoughts.  After two hours of checking threading, researching this pattern and staring at my loom, I realized that one of my tie-ups undid itself, slipped out of the slot (Schact standard) and now all is well!  I love when that happens.  

Sara von Tresckow

A 2" float is really too long for any textile as it will be subject to pulling and becoming unattractive over time.

If this is really part of the pattern - it is possible to rethink it a bit and find a way to alter the threading to "tie" the weft in shorter increments and still have it look nice.

Sue in VT

Thanks for your input here.  Before I FINALLY realized it was really my error, I was ready to play with adjusting the threading as you suggested.  I had located a thread between each long float that I would retie, which is a huge leap of independence for me.  So this was a good morning, learning experience wise.


Good for you Sue! As usual you figure out the poblem and all is well in your studio :) It is a big leap when you can figure out an extra tie down even though you didn't have to use it this time. Have fun weaving the baby blankets! On my agenda this summer too, in overshot.
