Need help identifying a loom. I'm not sure which of the two it is. Could be an Orco 70, could be a Leesburg 101.  Can't find any good pictures on the 'net of either one. If anyone recognizes this as one or the other, please let me know.  This is the crank handle. I'll try and include additional images as soon as I can figure out how to upload more than one.


rigidheddlewea… (not verified)

Photostream on Flickr is here

Any pictures that I could find showed the looms to be identical, hence my problem of finding out which one it is.

It is made of unfinished pine.  It is a 2 shaft counterbalance rug loom. Chains are used on the castle and the treadles. Treadles are attached with a gate hinge. These features are on both the Orco and the Leesburg.

The brake is a "bed rail brake" that is a very heavy piece of iron that goes from the front of the loom to the back and bends at a 90 degree angle to rest across the pegs of the sectional. It is swung up by the handle at the side/front of the loom which lowers the rail which releases the beam. I don't know which of the looms uses this as no pictures I could find went over that detail.

The cloth beam has a ratchet with a straight black piece of iron coming down that is cranked to advance the cloth beam.

It came with twisted wire heddles. 

There is no labels anywhere on it. I expected a sticker or something in the center of the shafts but there's only a black illegible stamp on one which looks like a mark from the lumber mill.  If I think of anything else, I'll post again. 

Came with a warp beam counter and thread guide (comb) for the sectional. 

sequel (not verified)

Judging from the newness, I'd have to say Leesburg.  They are making the ORCO now as a Leesburg. 

rigidheddlewea… (not verified)

Thank you! That's what my research is leading me to. Appreciate the help.