I'm considering buying an 8-harness Loomcraft loom, basically unseen except for photos since it will require a 1500-mile trip to pick it up. Are there any Loomcraft users out there, and if so, how do you like your loom? Do you enjoy weaving on it? I've been weaving on a 4-harness LeClerc. Apart from number of shafts, how does the Loomcraft differ from that? Specifically, I'd like to know: How high is the breast beam? How is the treadling action? Are the shafts heavy? Do you get a good shed? Any problems with the brake? Does it disengage and re-engage cleanly? Any problems finding parts? Since this will be my only loom, at least for a while, I want some assurance that it's as good a loom as it appears to be. Any help would be appreciated.