I found my old dye stash - for 20 years its been in a dark sealed box, in tightly closed jars or zip-lock bags.  It looks good - intense colors.  Is it worth trying it out, or should I just toss it?



I do a lot of dyeing and have never had any that old but I can't see any reason not to give it a try on some small samples.  You may need to use more than you would have originally but I don't think it really "goes bad."

tien (not verified)

Do a sample first. Procion MX dyes do lose strength with age, and that isn't readily apparent until you try bonding the dye to the fabric.

That said, procion MX can also be used as an acid dye (heat + vinegar) on protein fibers, and for that it's good indefinitely. The colors will likely shift, though, so do samples first. Also, it probably won't be *quite* as washfast as regular acid dyes, so wash in cold water, not hot.

danteen (not verified)

There are fabric swatches from various ages of  reactive dye at this site:

carolsoderlund.com/color-2/testing-1-2-3/.   You can see some of the color shifts.  But they are still useable if you are not doing something that requires reproducible color.

Teena Tuenge


Thanks everybody.  I am thinking of making a baby blanket, and wanted my very light blue to be just a smidge darker.  I will boldly try a bit of dyeing.  Its a rainy day (tough for gardening), and a long weekend, what could possibly be better!  Thanks again.


I am closing my studio and have two or more tall kitchen bags filled with a collection of Procion MX Dyes ranging back twenty years. I was told by a chemist that they can be used as acid dyes, just as Tien explained. I will mail these to anyone in the States for the price of postage from 81432. We do not have a hazardous waste disposal facility within 300 miles. I feel confident someone could benefit by having them. PM me if you are interested, please.


The good news is that the cobalt blue turned my yarn an intense blue.  Of course I had been fairly heavy-handed with the dye, but so exciting.  The hard lesson was not to use my washing machine tub for a long soak.  The machine got turned on, the yard went through a vigerous wash cycle, and was tangled beyond redemption.  So - I measured out a bit more, tried a different blue, and used quite a bit less.  We will see when its done soaking (will give it over night this time, in a bucket!). 

This has been a great way to spend a rainy day.  Rifling through the yarn stash, relearning how to dye, and planning a quickie project. 

Thank you all for your encouragement!