I have a Newcomb Studio Loom which I got second hand, in pieces, from someone who got it in a yard sale and the husband said he thought all the pieces were there.  I have it assembled so it looks like a loom, but the treadle tie up is a real puzzle.  It doesn't make any sense to me.  If anyone can offer some information to help me with my dilemma, I would appreciate it.  Also, if anyone would like to have this loom and take on the challenge, yyuo are welcome to it.  At this point, I'm ready to burn it. ;-)


Simply Woven

I have two of these looms and can take some photos - also there is a place out west (I'm in NC) that sells replacement parts....

Vennui (not verified)

Talk about timely . I just finished rearranging the studio and have my helpers coming tomorrow to help me assemble my newcomb.. Please post.

Vennui (not verified)

I'm planning on assembling my new loom tomorrow. I have been looking at the pictures I could find on the newcomb and Fairloom and I had just about figured it out. But, I couldn't figure out where the ties on the bottom of the harnesses with the springs attached to the lams. I knew, that there were indentations on the bottom of one of the castles that something had to go to Suddenly I realized that is where the cords on the springs attached to. This arrangement allows the harnesses to return to their proper positions. Otherwise they would just stay up and not go back down to a Starting position. Now, I would like some input on the tie ups . Are you still using the Metal tie ups that came with the loom or have you changed over to cords? A former owner has already replaced the shorter metal pins with hooks so I need cords from the bottom lams to the treadles. Which Do you find work better? Thanks