I am new to weaving, I am going to try to 'dress my loom' solo. lol I was given some carpet warp. I would like to try to make a 'Samplier" of differnt weaves, I don't know what to use for a weft. I would like some suggestions, please. I did make a couple of placemats, using cotton that I purchased to crochet dishclothes with. they turned out pretty, I don't think tho it would show up  the samples very well. thank you for your advice. 


Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

What kind of loom do you have? Are you using a book to get ideas for different samples to weave? You can weave a lot of different designs on any threading that is consistent.

In order to see the design in the draft, you probably need to have contrast in value between warp and weft. (Probably because there are lots of different weave structures and you did not specify which are of interest to you.) For example, if your warp yarn is a dark color, then you need a weft that is light. Carpet warp is basic inexpensive yarn, thicker than most weaving yarns. If you have a dark cone and a light cone, you could use this for samples. Be sure to wind enough warp for a good sett.

Samples can be fun. You can use this cloth for something, if you want, for example a tote bag.

Bonnie Inouye

sally orgren


Try the Anne Dixon book. She gives a ton of treadling options for each threading, and each sample is shown front and back in the photos.

Also, look up "Gamps" in the Handwoven magazine index. This is where you change the threading across the warp, and then treadle differently each few inches, resulting a pretty sample that can also be functional, too. (like a runner or placemats if woven from carpet warp.)

If you use the carpet warp as warp, you can also use carpet warp for the weft. 5/2 pearl cotton works well with carpet warp, as would 4/8 unmercerized cotton. Carpet warp is inexpensive and comes in colors, so it was one of my first warp and weft yarns too.

Good luck!