I'm new to weaving and looking for simpl-ish patterns to use on my inkle loom. I've tried finding out how to do pick-ups for more complex patterns but have thus far been unable to figure it out (even watching videos hasn't helped). Any suggestions? (yes, I suck at drawing up my own patterns though I can, usually, figure out ones others have written out (like the one in my drafts/projects). Any help would be useful, I'm feeling very lost right now. Thanks bunches, and yes I'm in the SCA... but most Inkle weavers are extra busy with event prep (and other stuff) to assist.



bolivian warmi

I posted a couple of links for you on the other thread but you may also want to check out the blog of Annie MacHale aka ASpinnerweaver. She has a terrific resource page on the blog and posts about all her beautiful sash projects. She makes the most gorgeous things without doing any pick- up at all. She just has this great sense of color and design, creates beautiful warps and then weaves them in plain weave. Follow the link from her blog to her Flickr page if you want to see all the gorgeous pictures in one place.

She also does pick up.




Thanks bolivian, I saw your other post and have already started poking at some of the links. So far your links have been most helpful in helping me figure out patterns a little more complex then stripes and checkers. *grins*


Hi Adena. Last October, I took the Daryle Lancaster on-line class through Weavolution and it was great! If you have a webcam I highly recommend it. It was interactive, easy to follow, and hands on. You weave along with her while she gives the instruction. Enjoy, ~ Jennifer www.inkledpink.com