I've just posted to my blog about the first six months of this year's tapestry diary--http://tapestry13.blogspot.com

I've just woven in today's entry for July 1 and thought I'd mention that I'm beginning to see on the web that quite a few people working with a daily practice that they're calling their tapestry diary.  As far as I know, I "coined" the term a few years back but I can't be sure of that.  As I mentioned in my blog, the "tapestry diary" approach seems to have become a small meme, if one could describe memes as small.  

I've been doing the practice since 2008 when I started with one month of doing a discrete bit of tapestry weaving each day.  Then, in 2009 I tackled the first year-long effort at the process.  Now, halfway into the fifth year it has indeed become a daily habit and one that I hope to be able to continue for the rest of my weaving life.  I hope that for many the process and the discipline this practice takes some inspiration from what I've been doing.  Others are posting about their own tapestry diary practices and I always enjoy reading those.  Specifically, here at Weavo projects, you can find the tapestry diary work of Cathie Beckman and Lydia Kendrick, among others.  My blog post also links to Geri Forkner's website and there, when you scroll down, you'll find her mention of her daily weaving process.  She's been doing her daily weavings for longer than I've done tapestry diary work.  So... even if you don't do tapestry, there are possibly many ways that you can do something that is small and distinctly devoted to each and every day, if you want to.  Those few daily minutes are quite different, for me, than my "regular" studio work.  They have their own rewards, not the least of which is my small record of every day of my life through the means I find most enjoyable--tapestry weaving.