So we bought my wife a Leesburg 102 Loom. We're getting it set up and I have questions. 

1) She's going to do rugs to start with. That's her interest in getting the loom in the first place. There are 4 shafts (I think they are called). For the rugs she's starting with I do know we'll only use 2 of them. Which two do we use? The two closet to where she's sitting? They are all connected so to speak above with the pulley sets. I posted a picture here:  That's sort of a crude side view. The circles are pulleys. The think vertical lines are the shafts and the thin lines are ropes. So do we use the front 2 closest to the person, or the left two? 

2) There are pedals  . . . and there are bars under the shafts that cross the pedals. Should they be up close to the bottom of the shafts? 

If someone has a photo of underneith their Leesburg 102, that would be so cool! You could private message me for a email address if you don't want to post it in this thread.








To use just two of the shafts, you have to take out the lower pulleys. All shafts are connected via the pulleys, so using just 2 while maintaining all three pulleys will not work. (Or tie the front pulley cords to one shaft; back pulley cords to the other)

Some diagrams and musings on my blog, here (albeit those thoughts are for multiple shafts, the mechanisms remain the same)