Hello! I just bought a used loom. It came with this thing (in picture). It is a board with evenly spaced nails on it. I am unsure of what it is. Can anyone tell me what it is and what I do with it?





It is a raddle. Used to space your warp across your loom when you wind it onto the back beam to ensure your warp is wound at a consistent width. There have been lots of raddle conversations here on how to use one. Now that you have the proper word give search a try.


And here's one link to a raddle conversation. As you can see there are many different approachs to using a raddledepending on your warping method. http://weavolution.com/group/diy-looms-tools/raddle-make-your-own-or-rather-drill-your-own-12210 Enjoy!


Thanks, so much, Deb! I am glad to know what it is called and will definitely follow the link you gave and find out more information!

Have a great day!


My internet signal is often very slow and this photo was taking forever to load from the top down.  All I could see for a while was your cat, and I was thinking "could someone possibly never have seen a cat before" and " why would a loom come with a cat".  When I finally saw the whole picture, the situation became clear.