Countless hours later, I'm much more familiar with my loom and the whole process.  Yay!  This is my first backstrap project as well as my first weaving project, not including a few things made on a little toy lap loom.  

This bag is for my 4-year-old daughter, who likes pink, stripes, and all things fringe. ;)  

I learned several things aside from the general how-to-weave, such as watching for dropped warps, how to tie a good continuous string heddle, how something made from two types of yarn will shrink unevenly, hehe, that I need to make sure the warps are nice and tight when I begin weaving,  and how NOT to create a third selvage.  

This is noticeable as a beginner piece from a mile away, but it makes me so happy!  On to completing my backstrap. :)  Thanks for looking.



Here it is, in progress - like my cardboard shuttle and broken paint stick beater?  haha - whatever works, right?  By the way, I'm a film junkie, so my loom is tied up to my gigantic TV armoire. :)  




bolivian warmi

Congratulations! Your daughter must be thrilled. What yarn are you using?


She said it wasn't as good as some of the woven bags I've collected, but that I did a pretty good job for my first time. LOL 

I'm (unfortunately) stuck with using donated yarn, so it's mostly Peaches & Cream worsted weight.  I have some embroidery floss in my small stash, and a few other reclaimed yarns in the mail that I splurged on, but for my first project, while getting used to my loom, I wanted to use something I didn't mind tossing out if I needed to. ;)

I'm getting a much tighter weave on my backstrap.  Once that's done, I'll go ahead and warp up some of my embroidery floss and try my hand at a finer yarn, which I imagine will be much more pleasant to work with.

I eventually want to make much prettier handbags and rebozos, including gauze work and more intricately patterned pieces. 

Thank you for being such an inspiration!

bolivian warmi

Well I commend you for getting through this with that yarn. I find cotton like Peaches & Cream way too soft for this kind of weaving and quite difficult to work with although Franco will come along and tell you how much he loves it! That's why I asked as your fringe in the picture looks quite soft and fluffy. If you start using mercerized cotton after having successfully worked with Peaches & Cream you will find it a piece of cake!

francorios (not verified)

Peaches and cream, sugar and cream, love it. I like cardboard shuttles and paint stick beaters. Nice bag! Have a good day!

DianneStucki (not verified)

That bag would have been perfect with the pink and white dress I wore for my kindergarten school picture. Your daughter must be thrilled.

I use a piece of flat steel dress boning as a beater. Paint sticks are probably easier to find!

DianneStucki (not verified)

That bag would have been perfect with the pink and white dress I wore for my kindergarten school picture. Your daughter must be thrilled.

I use a piece of flat steel dress boning as a beater. Paint sticks are probably easier to find!