I have once again uploaded a new build of WIF ‘n Proof (v 1.1) with new features.   I felt that the designing process needed more flexibility, and you can expect more updates as I continue to develop this section.  Any requests are welcome.


What’s new now?  The most important change is that you can increase or decrease the number of ends or picks at any time during the process.   This will allow you to build a draft step by step.  Utilizing the Repeats sections, then adding ends or picks and assigning more repeats will allow you to build a complicated draft with rather simple entries in a logical step by step method.  WIF ‘n Proof calculates the total number of ends or picks whenever you return to the Set Up screen and displays the current number in the text entry fields.  You can then increase or decrease that number and return to the draft to continue building. 


I also added a new method for moving about within the draft - Threading or Treadling.  In the center of the navigation buttons is a red number (such as 10/150) which indicates that you are on the tenth thread, or pick, out of a total of 150.  If you tap on that red text, WIF ‘n Proof opens an input box requesting the pick or end to which you wish to navigate.  The input box will indicate the range you have already entered out of the total number - such as “1 - 37 / 120”.  You can then move to any end or pick that has already been entered.  This way you can add ends or picks, and then quickly move to the last one entered and continue your draft.


You may also add shafts or treadles at any time during the designing process.  You may not, however, remove shafts or treadles.


So that’s it for now.  The new User’s Guide and the Designing section pdf files are up on the website.  If you have questions or suggestions, I would love to hear from you.

