I found this amazing pattern on the net. It had the drawdown, the treadling and the tie up but I'm missing the threading. I'm stumped. I don't know what to do here.


SallyE (not verified)

That tie-up and treddling sequence will never give you that drawdown.  So says my weaving program!


SallyE (not verified)

Ain't software great!   It's a 16 harness pattern, max float is 7.


A pattern is defined either by it's drawdown or by threading,treadling and tie-up.

With only the drawdown given, you need to do an analysis. Most good weaving books should tell you how to do that (at least most Swedish weaving books always have a chapter on that) - or I have an aritcle here.

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Weave-drafting!


Hi Aldine , if I'm understanding correctly you're looking for the threading for your pattern. When I open your attachment I see it. It's right where it should be , above the drawdown and to the left of the tie up. It's for a 8 shaft pattern and is threaded 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,8,7,6,5,4, etc. do you see it? I took a look at the first couple of picks of the pattern and the treadling and threading will produce this pattern. However there are long (9) weft floats. I hope this is what you are looking for.

SallyE (not verified)

This excel worksheet has two pages.   The rosepath pattern has all the information, but the "stars" pattern has only the tie-up, the treddling and drawdown but no threading.   For the stars pattern, that tie up and treddling can not produce that drawdown.



Oh Sally , can't for the life of me get the stars page up or page two, I'll take your word for it! So, sorry to make a muck of it!


Finally moved from the I-Pad to the computer, alas there is the Star pattern .you're right Sally and you've turned into the beautiful pattern it should be!

SallyE (not verified)

Note that when I saved the jpeg of the pattern above, I must have had the slider down.   Anyway, the first few treddlings were cut off at the top.   The treddling is just 1 to 16 to 1 to 16, etc.

Cathie - I didn't even notice that the excel spreadsheet had two pages until you mentioned it!

Aldine - I hope you weren't looking for an 8 harness pattern!



Yep, I thought this was an eight harness pattern. This just means that I'll have to take a class at the Mannings and use one of their larger looms. Thank you all so much for all of your help!! What a wonderful resource you all are :-)