Migrated Group Comments


dogmommy4 (not verified)

Hello, I have a counterbalance loom that I am refurbushing.  I don't know IF or what brand it is (by IF I mean she might be "homemade".  At any rate, I will need to replace or add to the existing heddles.  My problem is this - I have measured from the outside edge of the bars the heddles rest on and get 10.25"  Do I need to look for a heddle that measures 10.25" or do I need a 10.50" heddle?? 


Terry (not verified)

The loom pic in the siggy is an old barn loom, upper beater, that I got a couple of years back. I took this pic where it was before we got it. It's in pieces now, made it easier to get home. Quite heavy! How should I clean this up? I don't want to warp the wood. Thankyou and happy to be here!

Terry (not verified)

I'd sure appreciate some advise on how to safely clean up an old loom. Thanks.

claudia (not verified)

We are working on combining Groups and Forums. In the meantime, start a discussion of this in the forum at this link http://www.weavolution.com/forum/1134 so that others can leave comments. The update should be ready next week so this will be easier to understand. Thanks for joining the Weavolution. Claudia, co-founder Weavolution

claudia (not verified)

We are working on combing groups and forums but in the meantime, after you join this group, please head over to the Forum here, http://www.weavolution.com/forum/1134 to discuss repairs and maintenance issues. Thanks for your patience while we improve and thanks for joining the Weavolution. Claudia, co-founder of Weavolution

sequel (not verified)

Uh, what's a siggy and where is this loom pic? 


Terry (not verified)

A siggy is the avatar. Lol..Sorry I'm used to another group and their terms. I changed my avatar so here's a pic of the loom when it was together. It wasn't totally assemled. They sold it to me before finishing. We took it all apart to get it here as it's huge and heavy. Was upstairs in an old mill.

Terry (not verified)

Oh, why would anyone put carpeting on some of the sides like that? We've taken a peek and it's not damaged under it.