Migrated Group Comments


SDSue (not verified)

Welcome to the SD Weavers Group. I am new to weaving, but wanted to connect with other SD weavers. I live in Rapid City and have a rigid heddle loom that is warped and ready to go with my hand spun yarn. I am making a scarf for my sister in California.



I was surprised to see a South Dakota group!  It doesn't look like you've had much luck connecting with others from our wonderful state....

I live in the NE part of the state - about as far away as possible without crossing state lines. 

I am a self taught weaver of rugs.  Bought a loom at an auction sale and went from there.  I know there are other weavers around, they just seem to keep to themselves?  There are things I would like to learn - especially about end finishes, so I search the internet alot.

I've been yearning to try a scarf - but don't know where to start....

