Migrated Group Comments


RuTemple (not verified)

Thanks for creating this group, Dawn!

Just to represent, I weave, spin, dye, make baskets, crochet, and Stuffe, in Redwood City, and belong (so far) to the Black Sheep Handweavers Guild in my close-by stomping grounds,  and to Spindles & Flyers over in the East Bay (where I think I met you in January, Dawn!).

A little farther afield, I also keep a membership with the MN Textile Center--after all, the Twin Cities saw my first 33 years, and I knew the Weavers Guild of MN through its homes at the Y, Como-Carter, Dania Hall, the Chit.&Eastman building, and I'm chuffed for the home that all those years of work, planning and saving have bought them.

Looking forward to meeting and chatting with lots of locals, here!


Cinda Wismar (not verified)

Hi Dawn, we met at the Point Bonita Intensive last year.  I do not yet weave, however, my husband is a beginner on the Ridged Heddle and I support him and help him with his choice of yarns and so forth.  I do, however, knit, crochet and am a beginner spinner.  Thus our household is full of cottage industry projects and plans.  I plan to familiarize myself more and more with the weaving world so as to support my husband and to perhaps (knowing myself as I do) become a weaver myself.  Thanks so much for starting this forum.  I sooooo look forward to learning more.

Becky (not verified)

I am a new weaver from the Humboldt Handweavers and Spinners Guild in the far north. I have a Louet Hollandia countermarche that I haven't used yet. I also have an older Schact rigid heddle that I'm having lots of fun with.

It's good to see this group!  Thanks, Dawn!

Arsinoe Selene (not verified)

Hello, my name is Sara. I live in the East Bay. I mostly knit, some crochet (I know how), just started getting into weaving, and have at least tried almost every other craft out there. Serial crafter, if you will. :)

My dad and I made a small frame loom, and I worked on that for a while, but I really want to make a scarf. Unfortunately, I don't want to spend $100+ on a loom that I finish a scarf and say "Never again!" Ideally, I would like to rent a loom, try it out, and see if it is something I would continue with.

Is there a place around here (East Bay) that rents looms? Just something small, like a table top loom, that I could make a scarf with.

debbi (not verified)

Hi - I started spinning about 9 months ago and then bought a rigid heddle loom to help use up all the wool I have spun!  I found that I like spinning more than knitting.  I also like dying wool, buying fleece and looking at sheep.

thanks Dawn

your minion (Debbi)

RobinLynde (not verified)

I'm not really in the East Bay, but I don't think anyone has replied to this post. I'm in Vacaville so maybe that's farther than you want to go. I do have loom to rent however--as long as I fit the rental period into my class schedule so that I have enough looms here when I teach.

That's another thing you might consider. If you take a class you can get some experience with weaving and have help getting through your first project. I teach weaving classes and I assume that there are other teachers near you.

greenfroggie (not verified)

Hi Sara,


I am also in the East Bay, and while I don't know of anyone who rents looms I just saw a new place opened in Berkeley. I haven't had a chance to go inside, but on their website they list a Rigid Heddle weaving class for $54 where you make a scarf.


If I think of anyone else I will definalty post.

