I just received a newsletter from a friend and word that Mannings is closing.  For those of us involved in fibers on the Mid-Atlantic Mannings was the source of all things fiber and a center of friendship and learning.  They are open until the end of the year.  Thank you Carol, Ron and Tom for the years of friendship, teaching and resources.  Good luck and enjoy the next journey in life.  You created weavers, knitters AND wonderful memories.  Thank you  Deb Mc




....and I have yet to even get to visit!  How can such a place be lost?  Where will Tom and company go?



It is such a loss.   I am a new weaver and I was hoping to someday take a class there.   Maybe it will be reborn like Hostess ?


Mary Kate

When I lived in central PA, it was always a treat to stop by the Mannings when we were on the road. They have been my go-to source as I added tools from knitting, then spinning and then weaving. Such nice people! I wish them well! I hope that Tom Knisely continues to share his talents with us.