I did it - I converted my Macomber Ad-A-Harness B5 10H 14T treadle tie-ups to Texsolv. I had a really bad problem with hooks popping off no matter how gently I depressed the treadles or whether I rode them back up with my foot or not. This was so frustrating! Especially since most Mac owners have no such issues.

I ordered the Texsolv kit from Halcyon for $90 including shipping (yikes!) - it includes a 54 yard spool of Texsolv and two baggies of different types of pegs.

I cut 13" cords. I tied up a treadle with 1 Mac hook to the furthest back lamm to function as a template, maintaining the correct height and angle of the treadle.  Then I depressed that treadle, and looped the already cut cord over the lamm, and pulled it through the last hole in the cord (EDIT: Use the second-to-last hole, not the last hole), and snugged it tight to the bottom of the lamm.  That secured it at the top.  Underneath the treadle, I secured the cord with a Texsolv peg.  The official Mac treadle hook maintained the height, telling me which cord loop to put the peg in.  After I did the first cord, I removed the Mac hook.  The first cord maintained the correct height and angle of the treadle from then on.  I tied a cord to every lamm, at every spot where the hooks are meant to go. It's easiest to work seated on the floor at the treadles, and to tie up the farthest back lamm first, working forward (that way, the front lamms are not in the way when you depress the treadle). It's also best to work across the same lamm, doing all the treadles, before you move on to the next closer lamm. The cords will stay tied to the lamms permanently, and only pegged when needed. There's about 2 inches of extra cord under the treadle.  My intention was to put a peg in the bottom loop of the cord, under the treadle, when it was in resting position. Alas, this seems to be more than my kitties can resist - they never play with strings, but apparently a loose string with a little peg on the end is irresistible. So I removed all the pegs that I’m not currently using for my tie-up, and am keeping them in a container in the castle. The strings are dangling, though they’re tucked into the resting treadle slots. The kitties are not interested in peg-less cords, thank goodness!

Now my Mac's treadling action is so much smoother and precise. It's quieter, too. And no skips or floats due to dropped hooks!

Here's a picture in my Flickr account of my Mac with his new feet: http://www.flickr.com/photos/debbie-b/5490247011/


EDIT: Texsolv recommends that you NOT use the last loop in a cord, but rather use the next loop inward. The last loop is the weakest section, because the cut is closest to it.


andsewon (not verified)

I love it. They look like socks. The treadles are the feet. ;o) Do you have it warped right now? If not I bet you're dying to get it ready to weave. Connie

DebbieB (not verified)

Oh, it's already warped - I did all this with a 9 yard dishtowel warp on it. I tried it out immediately, and what a great difference! We're in love again. :)


Michael White

Debbie, your change over looks great. How we want to see pictures of your towels. I am glad you are in love again.


DebbieB (not verified)

Very few Mac owners will need to make this change, but it was perfect for me. I promise, I'll share pictures of my towels when they're done!


I did this exact same thing to my Baby Mac last week, except that I got my cord and pegs from Woodland Woodworks.  I am so happy with how the loom is working - wove two test towels and a child's scarf to put it through its paces.

DebbieB (not verified)

I was reminded that Texsolv recommends that you NOT use the last loop in a cord, but rather use the next loop inward. The last loop is the weakest section, because the cut is closest to it. I would edit my post, but apparently that's not possible with this message board software.

andsewon (not verified)

Hi Debbie, Yes, you can edit. Just click on the post you want to change and there is a little tab that says "Edit" at the top. It is next to the "View" tab.

weaver-dyer (not verified)

I changed the tie-up on my baby Mac to Texsolv more than five years ago and love it.  Since I don't always tie-up all the treadles, I marked the hole where I would put a peg if the treadle was tied-up.  This saves time and reduces the frustration of figuring out where to put the peg when changing a tie-up.  So far the Sharpie markings are still visible.


DebbieB (not verified)

Thanks, Connie - I edited it to reflect the change.

Gnu weaver

Gailc-- I'm thinking of doing this and wondered if you remembered 1.) how long you cut the cords 2.) is it still working well 3.) how much yardage did you use per lamm 4.) regular or heavy duty texsolve Thanks Gnu weaver


I will measure tomorrow morning for you - I didnt use a measurement, just made sure that the texsolv cords matched the lift of the macomber hook. I left a few extra loops for leeway. Once you have the first one cut to length, you just count texsolv loops for the rest. It is still working very well. I dont think I used that much per treadle/lammm - not more than 10 inches per cord (but I will check that again). It was the regular texsolv that I used.


Thanks for sharing this information and the photos.  I just bought a used baby mac that lost all of it's treadle hooks somewhere along the way.  The previous owner tied up the treadle with some string but told me that it didn't really work well.  I happen to have some texsolv cord since I also have a Louet David.  I thought I would try using the texsolv and your post should help me.


This is brilliant!  Thanks for the very clear instructions.  I have 2 Baby Macs, and on one the super hooks are fine, but on the other they are a nightmare!  I am in a workshop this weekend, and tomorrow I'll convert.  THANKS!!! 


This is brilliant!  Thanks for the very clear instructions.  I have 2 Baby Macs, and on one the super hooks are fine, but on the other they are a nightmare!  I am in a workshop this weekend, and tomorrow I'll convert.  THANKS!!! 


Converting from hooks to texsolv totally solved my problem with hooks coming off and harnesses jumping off jacks.  The are easier too, and everything is quieter.  I'm a believer in texsolve tie-ups!


Converting from hooks to texsolv totally solved my problem with hooks coming off and harnesses jumping off jacks.  The are easier too, and everything is quieter.  I'm a believer in texsolv tie-ups!