Newbie weaver here. In this sample, I was just playing around but even after wet finishing, I am getting lines where the reed was. This was a 24 epi sample doe with 8/2 cotton. I was using an 8 dent reed so sleying 3-3-3. In the plain weave I can definitely see many lines, oftentimes showing up every 3 ends. I didn't really see any in the twill. What is the actual term for this? What causes it and how can I remedy it?

I am attaching a picture. Hopefully you can see it ok? 

Thanks so much for any help



They are 'reed marks' and yes, they will show up more in plain weave than in other weave structures.  When you wet finished the piece did you give it a good deal of agitation?  Have you already pressed it?  If so, there probably isn't too much to be done about the 'streaks'.  Generally, to minimize reed marks two per dent at the most is recommended, but ultimately, if you can't be perfect, be consistent.  

Reed marks will vary depending on the yarn, the weave structure and how many ends per dent.

Here is a photo of my latest warp which was dented 4 per dent for 32 epi - I expect the reed marks to be practically invisible after wet finishing in the washing machine.



So far what little weaving I have done with cotton the marks all have gone away when washed. I have had 5 ends per dent of 10/3 in an 8 dent reed. I've used 3 ends in the reed with 10/3 or 8/2 as well with towels and bedspread, no sign of the marks after washing.

What happens a lot of times, is the stiffness of the dents is not rigid and will bow left or right making some marks wider than others.


Laura: No I have not pressed. I put it on warm gentle cycle then air fluffed in the dryer. Should I put it through a regular cycle? Then air fluff then iron? I suspected I might be wet finishing incorrectly. By the way, your work is beautiful!

Should I look into purchasing a new reed? I will most often be going with either a 20 or 24 epi

Thanks so much for both of your responses!


I wet finish my cottons in the washing machine, hot water, gentle wash, gentle spin, then dry until damp and hard press. Like I say plain weave wiki always show reed marks more than other structures. Care instructions are machine wash warm water. Cheers Laura


You don't need a new reed, unless you want one with a different dent count. Depending on how fine a yarn you want, after awhile you have more steel than yarn if you buy reeds with high dents. Then there is the problem of sleying the reed: getting a hook in the dents, seeing where your last end was sleyed, and missing a dent.


You might want to buy a 10 dent reed to go along with your 8.  You will more easily get 20 epi with a 10.  Not that you can't do a 'compound' sleying (different numbers of ends per dent to get the epi you need).  

The warp going onto the loom now is 30 epi.  I am using a 15 dent reed and sleying 2 per dent.  



sally orgren

As you can see, the reed marks are quite pronounced. I had to use this 8 dent reed, as it is the only one we have with this loom. I plan to wash on a regular cotton cycle and dry on the cotton setting. By the time I apply the iron to press, I hope the marks will have disappeared!

I am also doing something a bit irregular — as Laura mentioned— compound sleying. The solid blue area of the blue stripes is sleyed 3,3,3, but the white contrast in the center is sleyed much tighter, like 5 threads per dent. I want to make a raised twill line here (Dimity).


Sally, tell me about the buttons? Cheers Laura


Sally, tell me about the buttons? Cheers Laura