My skeins are proving to be a tad tangly - so what i'm doing is winding them on to a cardboard dowel (fancy for empty TP roll). I'll wind my warp from this point - The little balls in the bowl, are the skeins that were so tangly, that i needed to make a small object to go in and out of the tangles. i don't find it tiresome - i do it at night while watching the tube - and i know the effort will be rewarded in a magnificient warp for the rebozo... someday!






pjdoney (not verified)

Oooo, love color people!  They give us such great eye candy to snack on...


Mary you're so artistic! Everything you post is beautiful, even your tangles. I put my skeins in butterflies, but I will admit a few were sooooooo tangled I threw them away. And one was unlevel, to think!