Has anyone tried to make a doubleweave Lee's Surrender pattern? My loom is only 32" wide and I'd like to try to see if I can weave a 60" wide Lee's Surrender on it so I don't have to make that size project from two panels sewn together. 


Sara von Tresckow

It can be done. However, it is not as straighforward as, say a doubleweave twill blanket. Since you cannot always see the bottom layer, you do not see if there are skips or other errors occurring and as the cloth goes onto the cloth beam, the under layer winds on at a different rate than the upper layer opening you up to having differences in the beat firmness.

Properly treadled and beaten, overshot patterns really do lend themselves to being woven in panels. I have a full sized coverlet in three panels and the diagonal is perfect across all three panels.