I always thought lease sticks were something used by weavers on floor looms. I knew the name, but not what they were used for. The book, Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom,  devotes several pages on why and how to use them for a rigid heddle. This is a terrific tool, especially for weavers with hand problems. It holds the cross for you. I had my hands free to hold all the other things.

My made-from-what-was-available lease sticks worked. I will buy the tool or materials to make a proper set. The tip to secure the sticks to the loom  makes them work even better.


To assist with viewing of photos, the 2 warp bundles are hanging off front of the loom.

 Lease sticks secured to rigid heddle   Lease sticks used on rigid heddle



Hi 10 - I used to be a front-to-back warper with no understanding of what those mysterious lease sticks were - and you might be able to find the old posts here where their use was explained.  Now I cannot imagine NOT using lease sticks.

One thing is for use - there is so much to learn that weaving can certainly be a life-long adventure.