I bought this large table loom yesterday at a fiber fest here in San Diego for $50, I feel in love and had to have it! But I'm wondering if anyone knows what kind it is? It needs to be cleaned up pretty good, and I'm going to condition the wood because it needs it bad! I have some stuff that I used on a Ashford spinning wheel I got for $20 that needed love and it made it brand spanking new!

I am also thinking the heddles most likely need to be replaced, what type of string would you recommend to make them out of? The ones are there are supprisely sturdy but some have given up so I might as well replace them all before they all go. Oh and what would be the best way to remove rust off the beater? There isn't a lot but it needs some cleaning

Any advice is wanted and needed! :)



I think that is a two harness counter balance(I think). I would say that Texsolv heddles might closest match that type and for weight purposes. The loom looks cute though. When you spruce it up give us a few more pictures of it


This looks a little familar.  I had a LeClerc table loom with a similar frame. I couldn't, however, find anything in their records to match it.  Turns out it was kit-bashed from several others.  I think that can happen. Would you mind sharing your process for renewing the wood?  I have a maple Loomcraft that is in great shape but could stand a little "refreshing."