After many tries and tons of pictures going back and forth with Caroline, I have finally gotten it.  

I started with seine twine as my warp and had it sett at 10 epi on the Harp RH loom (what else?).  I have now ended up with seine twine sett at 6 epi on the Harp and am using a weft that is wool singles.  It's a thin, fine wool that finally worked for weft along with opening up the warp (that was Janet Dawson's idea).

So, here's a lousy photo but I think you can see that it's starting to work.  I need to find more colors in my stash of singles.  Anyone else have their project done?  How's it looking?  Did the WAL die?

it's just a small sample but it shows the warp is completely covered with the weft.  I'm continuing on and will add better pictures to my project page soon.



kellytwo (not verified)

Claudia, your picture didn't come up on my computer. 

I only made one krokbragd sample, and was very pleased with it. I would like to finish 3 more different samples so that I have a set of mug rugs for a gift, but it will probably be a little while before I get back to it. I have a new floor loom that I'm getting used to, and want to finish the shawl that's on it now. I'll share pictures of the loom and shawl when it's a little further along.


bolivian warmi

I can't see Claudia's picture either....

Claudia Segal (not verified)

Dumb me.  I cleaned through my photos and deleted it.  I have edited it back in, I hope.


kellytwo (not verified)

Yes Claudia, I can see the picture now. It looks great. I can see the pattern developing. 


bolivian warmi

Yep, I can see it now too. Caroline was going great guns with hers a while ago. I hope she posts a picture soon.

Caroline (not verified)

Claudia, way to go!!!!!!!

I haven't done any more to mine; I have been sick, and struggling to concentrate on Krokbragd was the last thing I had on my to do list,:-(, however with the (hopefully) nice spring weather at last arrived (?), I should get more done.


mmorse (not verified)

I'll add some details later. I had real problems with the site yesterday. This is going to be an I-pad cover--about 10 by 16, will fold at center with bound edges and a zipper. The dense fabric suggested something like this. It's sort of representational--yellow and red aspens in the Rockies.