So, I finally got a copy of a manual for my Hamnett 401 CB loom. And the assemby instructions state that the treadle bar should be in the front of the loom, under the breast beam. Trouble is, every picture I've been able to find of a Hammett floor loom shows the treadle bar in back, under the warp beam. (Unfortunately, I can't get the link to paste.)

I've never seen one of these looms in person, so I don't know what to do. I currently have the frame together, with the treadle bar in back, and don't want to take the bottom apart and switch it to the front until I'm sure that it's correct.  Help?! Thanks.






I have a 4H4T Hammett and they're attached at the back.  I never noticed the manual says to attach to the front.  The picture on weaversfriend website shows them attached to the back.  Maybe a typo or a design change somewhere along the line? 




Well, there were 2 manuals available, and she sent me the one from 1965. But I don't know the age of the loom. Guess I'll measure first, and if the lamms and treadle eyes line up, i'll do it as is. I just don't want or get the whole thing together, than have to dissassemble half of it to get the bottom turned around.


i did find a couple of pictures with treadles mounted in front. But they seem pretty rare, regardless of the brand of loom.


I went back and re-read my manual and it does state the treadles 'are to be installed at the front of the loom'.  But the 2 previous paragraphs refer to the pre-drilled holes being in the lower rear cross piece.  And then up higher on the page, it talks about the lower front cross piece having the pre-drilled holes for it pretty much contradicts itself.  Guess I was lucky, mine was assembled when I bought it - so I just took it apart to get it home and re-assembled it the same way it was.  Don't know if it would be of any help, but I have a picture of mine on my Ravelry project page.  Good luck with the assembling.



Joanne Hall

If you go to google and type in J L Hammett floor loom, you will find a lot of photos and most have the treadles attached in the back.  Maybe you will see the loom in one of these photos.

It is the jack looms that usually have the treadles attached in the front.  Because the treadle has to travel further on a jack loom (about twice as far down), it is not as practical to have the treadles attached in the back.  So, for a counterbalance loom, it is usual to have treadles attached at the back for easier treadling.



It finally occurred to me that I hadn't actually measured the distance on the loom. With the loom as it is, with treadles in back, the tie-up metal eyes are directly under the lamms. If I reversed the treadles, the eyes would be 3 or 4" closer to the front of the loom, and no longer lined up with the lamm. Ergo, treadles go in back.

I can't believe I didn't think to check this earlier. Yay for math!


 for the info. I've only actually woven on my RH and my 24" table loom. So the mechanics of treadles are a total mystery to me. I get the basic concept; but the finer points, like how far the treadles raise? Clueless.


The manual just gives a cut lengths of 26" for the cords. It doesn't specify whether to make the lengths of the 2 sets equal, or to use a ratio, or what.

So, say that I have a total top roller to harness top length of 10". Should I have each set of roller cords hanging at 5"? Or should there be something like a 60/40 ratio, so that the top cords come down 6", and the lower set 4"? Or does it even matter? 

When I got the loom, I think the lower rollers had cords that were about 2 1/2" . But I'm not sure that that will give me an adequate shed. So, what works for you other CB owners? Thanks.