
Just wondering if anyone has used iWeaveit for the IPAD?  If so, is it worth it.  There is another one for the IPAD also - I am interested in the best one (at least by recommendation.).  




sarahnopp (not verified)

Check out Wif n Proof too. The developer is active on Weavolution and has great support. I have it on my iPhone and an android tablet. 

To be totally honest, I don't use it much. (My laptop is with me everywhere because of work and I just use the software I have on that.) But when I did use it, there were no problems that I saw.  And there is a user group on here too, so that you can read through comments from other users.

igaff (not verified)

Thank you - that is the other one I was looking at.  I use my IPAD/Iphone for work and having it on my IPAD is what I need right now.  I will check out the users group.

sarahnopp (not verified)

Here is the group for it on Weavo: http://weavolution.com/group/wif-n-proof


I believe iWeaveit is iOS based only. I love Wif N Proof for on the fly drafting. It is great to have a drafting program on a small device the take to the loom. I am considering moving to an Android phone, so I'm very pleased that I will still be able to have Wif N Proof on an Android phone as well. The drafts transfer easily between devices, so I can draft on my phone then open the same draft on my iPad to follow threading/treadling at the loom.

I have never tried iWeave It , so I can't really speak to any advantages or disadvantages it may have.



igaff (not verified)

thanks Erica,

I am going to get it.  It sounds like something I can really use.



igaff (not verified)

thanks Erica,

I am going to get it.  It sounds like something I can really use.
