Is there a specific forum someplace where I should introduce myself? Or should I just work on filling out my profile and proceed to lurk, posting occasionally?


P.S. Still working on getting my photo right side up. :(


rosearbor (not verified)

Chat is as good a place as any for an intro!  Welcome, and just start participating as you feel comfortable.  I tend to go in spurts, myself, depending on my workload in the job that pays for this hobby.  


Thanks for the welcome.  I'm bushed just adding my projects!  And the silly avatar photo won't change, sigh. Off to read some more.

rosearbor (not verified)

The good news is your avatar has uprighted itself. And your projects look very nice!


Oh, hey, when I refreshed the page,  it updated! I am going to try to get some better photos but it was a start. 




loomyladi (not verified)

Welcome to the world of fiber addiction!  Just know that you in great company, and we won't think you are crazy if you one day realize that you have more looms than days of the week.