Anyone else loving this book? I'm not so keen on her warping methods, but I have FINALLY gotten the knack of pick up inkle weaving, and I think the book was worth it just for that!


sally orgren

I was one of the lucky people who bought one of the 15 advance copies at Convergence. But the real highlight for me was getting to meet and talk with Anne at the Ashford booth. After two incredible books under her belt, I asked what else she possibly might have up her sleeve. Her response, LOTS. (So stay tuned!) 

Thanks to Kate and Cindy at Ashford for taking this photo.

monarch (not verified)

I absolutely love this book, for me, too, it broke the pick-up barrier I was having. I'm doing one of the Monk's belt patterns (celtic one). I find the directions mostly easy to follow, with tiny issues on the pebble weave part. Just love this book!!!!