I am weaving patterns from Anne Dixon's Inkle Loom Pattern Directory and am sampling the Monks belt Josephene Knots on page 100. I notice that Section "B" has an odd number of threads. All the rest of the sections have even numbers. That means when you end section "B" your shuttle is on the opposite side of the loom from what it normally is. In the bottom knot, Knot 1, you repeat Section B a total of 5 times, so you end the knot with the shuttle on the wrong side. Is this how it should be? Do you just throw one more shot between patterns to start the next Knot from the left? Thanks, Janene


sally orgren


I haven't woven this particular pattern yet, but I think you might have a point. Here is how I read the draft for Knot 1, from the bottom up:

Weave A, Bottom Border (6 picks)

Weave B, Pattern (11 picks) 3 times = (33 picks)*

Weave C, Pattern "transition" (6 picks)

Weave M, Center (two "bar bell" shapes if you look at negative space), (6 picks)

Weave B, Pattern (11 x 2 = 22 picks)

Weave C, Pattern "transition" (6 picks)

and finish with top Border D, (6 picks).

If you actually wove it this way, I think the pattern would not be balanced, one side would be longer because you do not repeat B the same amount of times. (In the photos, all band samples look balanced.)

I would weave this band with B repeating only 2 times, not 3. For further evidence, if you compare Knot 2, the B area is woven 2x, and that pattern matches what we see in 1/2 of Knot 1.

Finally, if you weave it off and it is not correctly balanced, inkle weaving is pretty easy to unweave, and you will know for certain which is the right formula.

Which side the shuttle comes in or out on doesn't make a difference, the warp threads alternate, and you hand-manipulate the pattern by dropping or picking up warp threads.

Yes, there are errors in this book and you may have just found one. You can find the rest of the errata here: http://www.interweave.com/corrections/Handweavers-Pattern-Directory.asp. (I checked, page 100 is not listed with a pdf correction yet.)

I would suggest contacting the publisher and/or Anne Dixon. If there is an error in the book, I am sure they would like to know so it can be corrected in future editions, or, if it is just a matter of clarification, the same would hold true.

Please post a photo when you get weaving this band!



Thanks Sally,

My weaving did turn out to be balanced, and I'm not sure why...  I did reapeat B an extra time on the beginning section (because I spaced out and didn't realize until I'd gotten half way through, that I'd already done 2) so rather than weave it out, I put in an extra in the second half and it came out symetrical. To even out the shuttle going in the opposite direction, I just added an additional plain weave at the end, so any further motifs begin from the left.

I checked out the link you sent for the corrections, but those look like they are from Anne's other book on patterns, and not for the Inkle loom book.  (But I have her other book, so I'm glad for the link on the corrections!)Weaver's Inkle Loom Pattern Directory p 100


It looks like the first attempt to load the photo cropped it.  I'm going to try again.josephine k

It still cropped off a bit of the bottom, but it did turn out even.

sally orgren

The pattern and band look great!

What happens if you don't add that extra pass to get the shuttle on the same side to start the pattern again? (Is it just your brain that will be confused?) The idea of adding an extra plain weave pick between motifs to start on the same side is a good one, especially when learning a pattern, but just remember that it might not always have to be that way.

You are right, I had the wrong book link, and there are no revisions posted on Interweave's site for this book (that I could find). But here is the general web page, linking to the corrections to books that have been posted so far:


FYI, leaving bread crumbs for others who may follow us: there may be an error on page 22, "Single Flowers." There are three pattern rows that run down the length of the band, but the third pattern repeat/row on the right is threaded slightly differently, throwing that row off from the first two. I don't know if this was intentional or not, but it does not match the formula for the other bands on this page that are all balanced. My guildmate (Betty) discovered this one.

Happy weaving. This is a great book!


You put it perfectly, I put in the extra throw to keep my brain and habits in line! Thanks again, Janene