I have stared at this problem until my face is numb, but I cannot come up with the solution. So, I turn to you for your expert advice! I am trying to weave "Early Pennsylvania-German Huck-A-Back" (threading no. 5, pg. 80) from A Handweaver's Pattern Book, revised edition on a four shaft. I have selvage threads that are not getting woven in and would like to work some plain weave along the selvage to alleviate this issue, but I cannot (embarrassingly) figure out this simple task.



Always throw your shuttle Over your floating selvedge when you enter your shed and Under your floating slevedge when you exit the shed. Always Over then Under and you'll create your plain weave edge. Deb Mc No worries about being embarrassed to ask, we all have brain hiccups at the loom.


I don't know the pattern you are weaving, but if you want a kind of plain weave at the edge, you can use a reps like the one I have uploaded on "my drafts". Take a look at the "Winniekant". The name refer to a weaver here in Denmark, Winnie Poulsen, who always talk about this kind of edge instead of floating selvedge.

I do have problems when I try to upload pictures in here, so please visit my drafts


but using the most common threading of huck-a-back in my ed ("second printing 1944", pages 60-61)  you could add a couple of ends at the selvages (or re-thread the outer 5):

There is also something she calls "german huck-a-back" where the threading is re-arranged - same idea applies, thread the outer ends in alternating heddles from one block with heddles from the other:

Hope this helps!


As Kerstin shows it is very easy to add plain weave to the outside edges of a huck type weave.  I dislike floating selvedges and try to accommodate through threading rather than use one.



callagain (not verified)

I did rethread a few ends, but not in an effective way. Grethe and Kerstin your drafts are very helpful. Thanks!