
I am new to the group; I did some weaving a couple of years ago but still consider myself a beginner. I just acquired an 8H 40" Macomber (with gorgeous PURPLE harnesses--happy!) after a couple of years without a loom (that was a sad time!). Anyhow, there are two new aprons on the loom, but only 3 rods, so I am considering using string for the front apron. Is there a particular place here that might show me how to do that? I've never used just string up front. I imagine I'd have to remove the apron that is there? Also, drapery cord was recommended to me for the strings. What do you all use?


Thanks! And here are some pictures of my new-to-me loom.

8H 40" Macomber  purple harnesses



I really don't want to, but I thought it might be a good go given this thread: http://weavolution.com/forum/weaving/apron-loop-repair-16241

The new apron on my loom does not have grommets in it nor clips cut out. So I'm trying to figure out how to set it up. The loom came with 3 rods, so I figured I was missing one and couldn't use the front apron anyway. I'm confused as to how I would use just one bar, but I'm interested. Might you have a link or photo to show me what you mean?

Michael White

Cut some slots in the apron. Then tie on using just the slots you cut and one bar.


Will the canvas fray with the slots cut out of it?

The photo looks like there is one bar within the apron (makes sense) but is that not a second bar, too? Guess I need to see a larger pic.


Thank you very much for your help.

Michael White

Yes a little, but it will not hurt anything. The picture shows two bars but you can get my using just one bar inside the apron.