I have recently been working on getting my drawloom set up to weave Damask. I'm sure you'll all appreciate when you embark on a new weaving adventure, you first have to delve into your resources, such as Weavolution searches, forums, groups and your print resources. I spent this weekend making use of Interweave's 10% discount to buy some more Handwoven Collections, I now have 1996-2011 on my iPad! I delved directly into May/June 1998 Handwoven, which contains several articles on Damask.

I learned a great deal about Damask from this issue. I also enjoyed reading the article on Harriet Jenny. Harriet Jenny celebrated her 90th birthday in 1998. She hosted quite a part full of guild members and friends. Dorree Pitkin beautifully paints the picture of Harriet's life. The quote that struck resonant with me was Harriet's description of her "teaching." Although Harriet taught few structured classes, she answered many questions in person and over the phone! Harriet was a cutting edge teacher in 1998 by helping weavers solve their problems via the phone. Today we still have a group of cutting edge weaving teachers who teach online via Cyber Fiber. You can take any number of classes via Cyber Fiber, but you can also request one on one help with myself or other teaching instructors via Cyber Fiber. Cyber Fiber brings weaving instruction into your home studio. We're also looking for weavers who are interested in opening their studios virtually to other Weavolution members. These opportunities are just an e-mail away. We hope you will enjoy expanding your world of weaving instruction as much as we do.

Happy Learning,

Erica & Oli