Hi everyone!


I'm a new weaver working on my first project, a table runner on a Kromski Harp (RH).  I'm about to the end of the warp and don't know what to do now.  I remember the teacher putting in some waste woof at the beginning, so I assume I would do the same at the end, but then what?  Do I just cut the warp and tie it off?  Since I have the ugly waste yarn in there, could I just sew the ends under?  If anyone knows of a good online tutorial for what one should do when the weaving part of the project is over, that would be great.  (I am physically separated from my library right now, but if I weren't I'm sure I have a book that would tell me what to do!)


And should I do anything about the wonky selvedges or just not worry about them?


Best wishes,





Theresa Kelley (not verified)

Hi Heather, you do not have to put waste weft at the end -- just cut the warp off, unroll the weaving to the beginning and untie the warp. The waste weft should be removed as its purpose was to evenly space the warp before beginning to weave. Knot the ends!On the side with the waste yarn,I use a small crochet hook or tapestry needle to gently pull warp ends out (one at a time) from the waste weft, and knotting in groups of two threads, making sure one warp thread is coming under the weft and one warp coming from over the weft. You could either leave the warp ends as individual strands of fringe or make a twisted fringe.