Hey there,

Saw this neat pattern on Pinterest and it reminded me of your backstrap weaving. Would this work with your pebble weaving technique?  Might want some of triangles to be red.  :) 



bolivian warmi

I don't see the image, Dave...just a large empty blank box with that little red and blue graphic. :-( 

WeaverDave (not verified)

I updated the image above.  Can you see it?


Instead of black, use green and call it a tree plantation. ;)

bolivian warmi

Oh yes, I can see it now. Yes, this would work just fine in pebble weave. Thanks for the idea. Did it say on Pinterest what the source is for this pattern?

WeaverDave (not verified)

No. When I tried the link, it just linked to the .jpg image file.  It was on Tumbler. 



And the link doesn't work now.  Don't you just hate when that happens? 

bolivian warmi

Ah well, never mind...you can stop clubbing yourself with that rolling pin now! 

Are you clicking on "reply" under my comment box to respond? Just curious as I am not receiving notifications.



WeaverDave (not verified)

I think that's what I have been doing.  I may have just used the open text box at the bottom for one.  I can't remember. 

BTW, here is a link to that person's Pinterest site.  She has some really neat patterns and designs. 
