HI i am just getting started. i ordered the plans to build a heritage inkle loom.  i have never done this before. does anyone have one. how different is it compared to the other inkles?  thank you


Sara von Tresckow

The plan photo shows a traditional inkle loom not different from others.


so is it a good loom or should we build a different one?  no moveable part? i forget what it was called?

should we just buy a used one?



Hi Ikellyhappy1, looking at the photos of the heritage inkle loom it does look pretty much the norm in inkles. There are lots of different styles, most are only sliightly different in some way from the next. Some variations in the normal inkles are not always an asset. 


I don't have my inkle loom yet. Bought it in Sept, was advertised to take 6 to 8 weeks for completion & delivery. It is now going on 11 weeks since I placed my order. This artisan has been swamped with orders and makes each one by himself. I am patient in my wait.


Mine is a bit different from normal inkle looms in that it will be closed on both sides. It will have the ability to take one side off to warp it. Supposedly this makes the dowels sturdier and less likely to bend under tension. Since I have not gotten it and have not tried it I can't comment on whether this will be a good thing for me. 


If you are interested in buying an inkle made by an experienced artisan check out the many advertised on the Etsy site. This is where my loom was ordered from. There are several variations to see on that site. Good luck if you make your own and keep us informed as to how it's going. :)

