Hello! I purchased a used Schacht loom and am having toruble with the tension. Until i got my hands on it, it hadn't been used in five years. After threading it, as soon as I step on one of the treddles, it loses tension. The front beam doesn't seem to be moving, I think it is the back beam that releases the tension. Could the brake cable be worn out? Is there a cheaper alterntaive than ordering a brake from the Schacht website?

Thank you for any and all help!



If it's like a Baby Wolf, the rightmost treadle releases the brake.  You can adjust the brake cable quite a bit with the little spring and screw to which the brake cable attaches on the back beam.  I can never remember which way tightens and which way loosens, so I have to play with it each time.  Unfortunately, that is frequently, since I got this loom for demos and sheep-to-shawls, and kids find that screw irresistable.


If you don't release the brake enough, you can groove the brake drum, which will make the brake not work.  Also, if the loom has been used often at a very high tension, the carriage bolts that hold the frame together may have rounded out their holes, which will affect the frame rigidity and lose tension.  So, look at the drum for scoring, and make sure the frame is rigid.  Another thing that may be happening is that it is folding on you.  Make sure that it is locked open.  If you don't have the manual to tell you how to lock it, Schacht's web site has instructions.