I posted this in the cat forum but think I should have posted it here. I have a 12 dent reed that is 27" long. My project has 23EPI so I put 2 threads in each dent but put only one dent in the 24th dent. I think that's all good. My problem comes when I'm trying to thread the heddles, I don't have enough. I need over 500. Can you thread the heddles with more than one thread going through them or is it best to just order more heddles?

Thanks for all your help.




You really cant put two threads through the heddle unless your pattern calls for lifting two consecutive threads together throughout the warp.   So you will need to get more heddles to complete ths project.

23 epi is a rather strange sett.  You really have 24 epi anyway because 2 ends per dent in a 12 dent reed gives you 24 epi.

lkautio (not verified)

Rather sleying 2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/1 to get 23 epi, I would just go with 2 per dent for 24 epi. The slight difference usually is not critical, and that odd sley may leave odd reed marks even after washing.

If you put two threads in a heddle all the way across it may work, but it will look different from the original. You would need to check the float length, which will double, and the sett will likely change a bit. To balance it you would then also go to a doubled or thicker weft to make it square. It won't work to change from one per heddle to two per heddle in the middle. I'd just order more heddles. You will likely run into the situation again. Happy weaving!

Laurie Autio



There is no pattern for this project. I'm just trying to weave a headscarf for the elderly lady that I help. Yes, I should have just went with 24EPI, I don't know what I was thinking.......I'm new to all this. :)

Getting the new heddles, I think, will be a GREAT idea! I just want a basic weave and I can still add the threads to make it 24EPI.

Thanks for all your help!!!