Hello!  Thanks for your help in advance. I am embarrassed to show you what's happening but without it I won't get help.  I have spaces between my hand tied bunches.   What am I doing wrong?  Upside down.  Sorry




It's hard to see what's going on from your thumbnail!  Can you post a larger photo? 


Hi Wooly,

Without seeing more, the reed and heddles, I can't tell what is the cause of your issue.

What I can see is it seems you're weft is too tight.


It is best to tie the bunches in smaller increments.  I try to keep it under 1" and then run either a stick over and under the divisions of the tie-ups (hope that makes sense).  Finally, before starting to weave, I run 3 weft picks without beating between picks and lastly, with a gently beat, beat the 3 wefts toward the stick.

Laura Fry has some great videos online on her webpage that shows you the best way or you can download her video through Interweave's store called the efficient weaver.  This is a great video for tips and tricks.

I remember when I first started weaving two years ago.  It can be frustrating on your own, but there are many great videos online to get you started in the right direction.  =^.^=


It is best to tie the bunches in smaller increments.  I try to keep it under 1" and then run either a stick over and under the divisions of the tie-ups (hope that makes sense).  Finally, before starting to weave, I run 3 weft picks without beating between picks and lastly, with a gently beat, beat the 3 wefts toward the stick.

Laura Fry has some great videos online on her webpage that shows you the best way or you can download her video through Interweave's store called the efficient weaver.  This is a great video for tips and tricks.

I remember when I first started weaving two years ago.  It can be frustrating on your own, but there are many great videos online to get you started in the right direction.  =^.^=


The spaces between your tied bunches will even out if you have the warp and weft reasonably balanced.  You do have them tied in quite large bunches, which will mean that this will take longer.  The smaller the tied bunches, the fewer weft picks it takes to even everything out.  However, on the left side of the picture, you have a lot of warps all bunching together and making the selvedge draw in a lot.  This is not good, and will cause a lot of problems.  As already stated, you need to put your weft in at about a 45' angle to the fell, so that you have enough weft to go over and under the warp without drawing in the edges.  The other thing to look at is whether your weft and warp are about the same size.  You can weave with great differences between warp and weft, but for a first time, a balanced weave is a lot easier.

Sue in VT

if you unweave what you have, and retie in smaller groups, and then take the advice above about throwing the shuttle twice with scrap yarn (heavier) before beating, you should see improvement.  You'll know if you're ready to start your pattern weft because the warp threads will be nicely spaced.  If not, add more scrap yarn as before.  Happy weaving...it gets better and better!