I'm playing with the last of some 10/2 perle cotton in my stash (bread basket liners); pattern calls for 2" tabby (for hem), 22" twill, 2" tabby (for hem).  About 7" into the 22" of pattern, poor placement of the temple caused a break in a warp thread at the selvedge (likely is the floating selvedge).  I had woven about 1.75" beyond the break when I noticed it (as I went to move the temple).

I'm thinking, I could just unweave about an inch; and start again with the tabby for the hem.... but, then I might not have enough warp for the two pieces I had planned.

Any ideas on how to repair in order to salvage what I have already woven?  If not, then "Plan B" (start again, as noted above) is my option.  Thanks in advance for your thoughts!



I would do a "dirty fix" - myself, I would ignore it altogether, as I don't think the difference is very noticeable (and I hate FS).

If I wanted the FS back, I would just add it - and possibly thread it in after cutting the cloth off the loom. A blunt sewing needle, lots of light, thread it in until it overlapped for a couple of picks, leave the tails until after wet finishing, then clip.


Oh, thank you, Kerstin!  I actually wondered about ignoring it, especially since the FS is still in there and doesn't appear to be disturbed by the break (ie, it appears to be well tensioned at 1.75 inches past the break).

I'll give it a go - and see what happens when it comes off the loom.  I really appreciate your advice, as I am really a "barely advanced novice" - and I can't always find solutions to my quandries by general "Googling"!