Hi! I'm trying to figure out what heddles my loom needs. It came with filthy disintegrating string ones which I removed when I cleaned it up (decades in storage), but unfortunately I wasn't smart enough to measure them before I disposed of them, so now I'm a bit uncertain of what I need. My frames are wood and 4 sided (I'm pretty sure the loom is homemade) and measure approx 10" top to bottom, with the frame itself being just very slightly under 1" square on each side. I would like to use metal heddles, since I'm new at this and it needs all new ones and they're the cheapest for me- but will the 10 5/8 ones fit these frames? 

I appreciate any help you can give. 

Thanks so much. 


Peg.Cherre (not verified)

I am certainly not the most experienced at such issues, not by a long shot, but here's my 2 cents (it may be worth even less than that).  If your top & bottom heddle bars are approximately 1" square, I don't know that metal heddles will slide over them.  I think you may need to go with Texsolv heddles.  Some of us love them, others hate them, it's a lot of personal preference.  Me?  I love them on my 4H counterbalance and would hate them on my 8H jack loom. 

Enjoy refurbishng and weaving!

Joanne Hall

Your loom is not made for using wire or metal heddles.  You would have to insert 8 flat metal rods into your shafts before you could use them.  And it may be hard to get the right size.  

If you send me your email address, I will send instructions for you to use Texsolv heddles.  That would be the easiest.

[email protected]


Thanks so much to both of you- I wondered about metal working, texsolv does make a lot more sense- I really appreciate the insight. :) 

Joanne I just emailed you.