I was wondering if anyone in this group has ever made a heck block for a warping mill/reel? If so would you be willing to share you plans/experience? If anyone is making them again? Cheers, Erica


r1mein54 (not verified)

I just made something a few days ago out of a piece of 2x10 and 2x4 pine with hardwood dowels and a piece of paneling with 60 small holes in it to spread the threads. I have not used it yet so I don`t know how well it works.

Penn (not verified)

Here are some plans and information on making a warping reel and heck-block. Horizontal Warping Mill: http://www.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/articles/zmw_08_4.pdf Heck-Block: http://www.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/articles/zmw_09_5.pdf I've never made either device. Maybe someone will show up who's actually used these plans. They're from 1953 issues of the "Master Weaver" newsletter.