i made a small weavette style hand held loom to make patches for my hand knit socks...

i've blogged all about it over here.


Caroline (not verified)

Hi Jen, thats a great idea. Those looms also make lovely little loom blooms, if you use the diagonal weave and manipulate the bias. So can we expect lots of lovely little embellishments?

claudia (not verified)

Hey Caroline,

Guess I'm out of the loop, what's a loom bloom? can you show us a picture and help me learn how to make one?  I have 3 Weavettes.  Two are rectangle and one is square.  I also own 2 potholder looms.



Here is what I make with the Weavettes

Caroline (not verified)

hi Claudia, This is exactly the same technique  that is used on the larger shawl size tri-looms and square looms. Not all little square looms are suitable, but most of them can be used if they have nails or teeth on the corners. Instead of being warped then woven like a standard loom, its done on a diagonal or bias, and can be described as self-warping or self-dressing, because you only go around everything the once, and the yarn you use is both warp and weft at the same time.

Jana Trents eloomanations site has one of the original brochures to download here:


Scroll down the page to find the Bias Weave-it Booklet download, its the first download on that page. If you browse further down the page you will find all sorts of instruction and pattern booklets for these little looms. Hazel of Hazel Rose looms has made a shorts and top outfit thats in the Projects section, and Weavezine has had several articles on little looms too, with some great introductory projects, and then theres Jana Trents blog, with some amazing stuff!

The great thing is that like the spindle, you can take a little loom along with you in your bag, and get a lot done in 10 or 15 minutes  while waiting at the doctors etc, and its great for using up all those odds and ends of wool you get, once you've finished a project. Its very easy to get hooked, hehe!

I have instructions for loom blooms on my website here:



kathkol (not verified)

 I have started the triangle/rectangle shawl from Weavezine. I didn't have a 6" Weavette, so I made my own.  It isn't pretty, but it works!  I used 4-9" stretcher frames and finishing brads.  The brads are really close together.  Even though I pre-drilled the holes, the wood still split.  I ran a bead of wood glue along each row of nails to hold them in place.  So far, so good.  

I am using the recommended Silky Wool.  I overdyed some gray I had in my stash with logwood.  The wool and the silk took the dye differently so I have a nice heathery purple.  I really like it.

 I am having trouble with the yarn breaking (as in several times a square:(.  I can't seem to find a pattern to the breakage (it actually just seems to pull apart) so I don't know if it is my technique, the yarn, the loom . . . .  Lots of spit splicing!  And the finished shawl will be fulled a bit, so hopefully all will be well.

I really like the weaving and the look of the squares, so it is worth it to me.  I started last week on a family vacation to Beaver Island, MI, and I am on my 14th square.  Hopefully sharing this with all of you will keep me on track:) 
