We all know that an important part the successful completion of any independent study is setting goals. I know many of us here have had the advice from Melanie not to set  a schedule and to just weave, which is in fact great advice! Most advice on the CoE is to set a timeline and set deadlines. Either philisophy you follow goals are an important part of staying focused. So what are your goals for this summer?

Are you traveling and gathering inspiration? Are you attending conferences and shows to learn more about weaving? Do you want to know out x number of samples by the end of July? Share your goals here!

My goals for this sumer are:

#1 launch the new version of Weavolution! I'm not the only one working on this so, it's a bit out of my hands, at this point a lot of the work has to be done by the developers.

#1 weaving goal is to get all my looms warped. I have 2 left to finish off warping.

#2 weave a bit each day on whatever project(s) strike my fancy.

#3 take good notes on what I do, so I reinforce my learning.

#4 get a lot of potnetial samples woven.

I'm trying to take the middle ground here and set some deadlines, but also try a more freeform approach to my weaving studies, to make things a bit more enjoyable. I did "slog" my way through the balanced weave samples. I learned a lot on the way. I am still having fun and learnign a lot methodically going through Mastering Weave Structures, but I need some fun in the sun, so to speak this summer!

I look foward to reading your goals and encouraging you on your way to achieving them!