Cyber-Fiber FLash Mob, Sunday, Jan 30, 4:30pm EST

 I have created this event as a test of the Webex system.  Webex claims there are 25 "seats" available in each meeting.  I have been anxious to see exactly how it behaves when we have more than 6 video slots filled and we actually have a meeting that is full.   

I am sending a private email to everyone in hopes you can join this quick event, even for 10 minutes, to witness how Webex deals with large numbers of participants.

I encourage you to join me for an Open House or to schedule a private time for us to meet and I can give you my "10 minutes of Weavo" tour and you can see how to spend just 10 minutes, 4 times/week and stay in touch.  

Our classes are starting to gain traction and you, the faculty of Cyber-Fiber, are what will make or break this experiment.  You have all been very gracious and open minded about joining this adventure.  Please make use of this private group so we can stay in touch with each other and build on the growing interest to give the weaving community the best possible experience.  And, create new weavers to follow in our footsteps.

Keep the shuttles flying!!
