
bolivian warmi

Gorgeous! I can't wait to get my lot on the loom. We should have done a tencel WAL to see what different people come up with!

Kristina (not verified)

  Very nice , Ellen !

I love this  twill-square pattern and I think  now  I have to test tencel too. I have no idea how the touch of Tencel is. Is  it good for other things- except scarfs??

 Tencel - WAL is a good idea, Laverne. I would join in!

elisabethhill (not verified)

Once again - beautiful work!   I love "windows" too.

Ellen (not verified)

Yes, I think you will have to, wont you ;-) Actually it took a nudge from Laverne for me to take the plunge, so here is one for you: nudge-nudge! ;-)

It feels very strong and smooth, and especially after wash and press is very soft and luxurious to the touch, but as I said, a bit heavier than silk. I wouldn't know what other thing it would be good for. Why don't you ask some of all these experienced people here on Weavo?

Yes, a WAL sounds fun.

Ellen (not verified)


Nothing as beautiful as what you come up with time and again, though!

emhoog (not verified)

Really nice scarves, Ellen. Both of them. Lovely colours too. So you did manage to find Tencel in Denmark. And not just in white.

Regards, Els


LoneF (not verified)

Wow - they are beautiful. You are a really skillful weaver. And a new loom? Congratulations!  

Ellen (not verified)

Thanks, Els.

No, I bought the yarn first in Germany from a dealer Kristina recommended, then in Finland, when I found out that the German lady got hers from Toika!

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

My first tencel yarn, and the first project on my newly acquired Glimakra loom for my Copenhagen home.

I really liked working with this yarn, after hearing so much about it from the US, a pity it is so hard to find in Denmark.

I was a little surprised at how heavy it felt off the loom, after hearing it compared with silk. But it has a nice shine and drape.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit